Slovakia: Up to 17.5 days are spent on admin operations by local entrepreneurs (MBrain)
Média monitor M-Brain uverejnil dňa 3.10.2016 report článku The Slovak Spectator o Byrokratickom indexe, ktorý zaviedol INESS.
Slovak Spectator, 29 Sep 2016, online:- The Bureaucracy Index of Slovakia (BIS) presented by the think-tank Institute for Economic and Social Studies (INESS) has found that a local entrepreneur running a small business spends up to 140 hours on average per year with red tape activities. Specifically, those 140 hours add up to 17.5 business days overall, needing up to 75 admin operations to be completed worth EUR 1,471.50 (USD 1,652.79). All in all, a Slovak entrepreneur must allocate nearly a month to administrative tasks in order to meet legal demands, with accounting not even taken into account. The index has been based on a business model in the metal industry that has a yearly turnover amounting to EUR 300,000, pays VAT, and trades only within the EU zone.
M- Brain, 3.10.2016