ITAS – valné zhromaždenie

27. septembra 2022 sa uskutočnilo valné zhromaždenie IT Asociácie Slovenska, na ktorom v diskusnom panely vystúpil aj analytik INESS Róbert Chovanculiak. Témou panelu bola robotizácia, riešenie problému nedostatku kvalitných absolventov a reforma školstva.

ITAS – valné zhromaždenie
INESS is an independent, non-governmental and non-political civic association. All of our activities are financed by grants, 2% tax allocation, own activities and donations from individuals and legal entities. Thus, our operation, scope and quality of outputs, largely depends on your generosity.
Zlatý klinec Nadácia Orange Templeton Freedom Award Dorian & Antony Fisher Venture Grants Golden Umbrella Think Tanks Awards